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Hi, I'm

Jay Weaver

Do you want a joyous, fulfilled, overflowing life? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place.


Weaving My Life

Each day that you live is like a strain that is woven into your life, it is put into place unable to be moved. When you get to the end of your life are you going to look back and see this jumbled mess, or are you going to see a wonderful life that was carefully woven into a beautiful fulfilled life, like a tapestry.

Are you living your life on purpose, or are you just going through a day, before you know it a week a gone, then a month is gone, and a year., then a life. How many people do you know that gets to the end of their life and looks back, wondering how did they get here, where did it go? What happened?

I saw this happen to my father. When all of the children were grown and gone, he wondered what happened, where did those years go? He was so busy making a living, he forgot to make a life.

Remember the song,“Cat’s in the cradle” It happens everyday. Do not let it happen to you.

  • Wake Up and Thrive: A Guide to Living Your Best Life

    by Jay A. Weaver Sr. 

      A transformative book that explores the intersection of faith, personal growth, and modern living. With a focus on discovering purpose, overcoming fear, navigating the digital landscape, and nurturing meaningful connections, this book offers practical guidance for embracing change, self-care, and serving others.

      Through biblical principles, thematic exploration, and modern context, readers are empowered to cultivate contentment, steward resources, and walk in wisdom.

      Written by Jay A. Weaver Sr., a dedicated elder and Bible teacher, this book combines spiritual wisdom with practical insights for leading a fulfilling life. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to align their spiritual calling with personal goals and thrive in today's fast-paced world.

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    for Paperback

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  • 21 Divine Laws of Eldership: A Biblical Guide to Church Leadership

    by Jay A. Weaver Sr. 

      A comprehensive and spiritually enriching guide designed to empower church leaders with biblical wisdom and practical insights for effective leadership. This book delves deep into the heart of godly leadership, offering a foundation rooted in scriptural principles and lived experiences. Each chapter explores a distinct law of leadership, providing readers with a blueprint for leading with integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to serving God and His people.

      In an age where leadership is often characterized by power and prestige, "21 Divine Laws of Eldership" offers a refreshing and transformative perspective on leadership within the Lord's Church. Drawing from biblical teachings and the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, this guide presents leadership as a spiritual vocation, marked by servitude, humility, and a steadfast reliance on God.

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    Kindle Edition

      How to Get to Heaven Using the Bible

    • The title “How to Get to Heaven Using the Bible” may sound presumptuous to you. You may well be asking, “how can such an all-inclusive subject be given justice within a study guide when many massive volumes have been written on the subject?” This question was resolved in my mind only after considerable deliberation. First, this is a study guide, using the scriptures as the sole source of authority. Second, the scriptures speak on many subjects, all of them vital to our lives. Only a portion deals directly with God’s commands for eternal life. Third, only a representative portion of those scriptures dealing directly with reaching heaven has been used. This is said without apology because all the scriptures would make the study inordinately long, and a conscientious consideration of all the scriptures was made in determining those passages which represent all of God’s will on this subject. You are encouraged to read each scripture in its context, only with other scriptures, to verify that nothing has been added to nor subtracted from God’s word. If you find any misrepresentations, please let me know. I am vitally concerned over my own soul and would truly appreciate correction if I have improperly presented God’s word. On the other hand, I encourage you to consider seriously the scriptures presented, in view of your own soul, and to put them into practice while God has given you opportunity. Let the word of God speak with its full power for we know that is “the sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6: 17), “quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing sunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4: 12)

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  • 850 Floyd Rd Ext,

    Spartanburg, SC 29307

  • 202-555-1234

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