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Weaving My Life

Each day that you live is like a strain that is woven into your life, it is put into place unable to be moved. When you get to the end of your life are you going to look back and see this jumbled mess, or are you going to see a wonderful life that was carefully woven into a beautiful fulfilled life, like a tapestry.

Are you living your life on purpose, or are you just going through a day, before you know it a week a gone, then a month is gone, and a year., then a life. How many people do you know that gets to the end of their life and looks back, wondering how did they get here, where did it go? What happened?

I saw this happen to my father. When all of the children were grown and gone, he wondered what happened, where did those years go? He was so busy making a living, he forgot to make a life.

Remember the song,“Cat’s in the cradle” It happens everyday. Do not let it happen to you.

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